Bulk Edit Due Dates

After importing assignments into a new course, updating the due dates for the upcoming year can be time consuming if done one at a time.

[See the "Edit Due Dates" page for a refresher of assignment dates!]

Instructors have the option to update dates for multiple assignments at one time, including differentiated due dates for specific student groups. This feature enables instructors to review and modify multiple due dates in one screen. Steps are below.

#1: VIEW dates for all Assignments in a course

Course Home Page >> Assignments >> Edit Assignment Dates

All three types of dates for each assignment, quiz, and discussion can be seen in one view:

Reminder of date types:



when students should submit the Assignment



when the Assignment becomes available to students



when late Assignment submissions will be accepted

#2: UPDATE dates for multiple Assignments

#3: VIEW updated due dates in Modules & Calendar

A due date in a Canvas activity (assignment, quiz, graded discussion) automatically populates in the course calendar, as well as underneath the name of the activity when viewed in its module. Availability date and Until date do not populate in these locations; rather, they are visible to students in the individual activity page and control the window of time when students will have access to engage with the activity.

Viewing an assignment DUE DATE in a course module:

Viewing an assignment DUE DATE in a course calendar:

#4: VERIFY Assignment availability in Student View

Note: Other course settings can impact activities being displayed, such as its Publish status and Module Prerequisites and Requirements.

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