Enrolling Users in PD Courses

There are multiple ways to enroll Educators in PD Courses. See all options below.

Note: Instructors teaching courses in which students register via NISD official registrar system do not need to enroll themselves or their students in those courses; these courses are auto-rostered and thus auto-enrolled.

#1: ENROLL via directly shared Self-Enrollment URL

This is the recommended method for inviting your target audience to join the course.

The URL can then be linked in Docs, Slides, Sites, etc as well as shared via email.

Staff instructions:

After saving course details, return back to the Settings to find the shareable Self-Enrollment link.

Note: This setting is only available on manually created courses such as PD, Curriculum, and other non-rostered course from Home Access Center. Courses that DO NOT have this ability include Auto-Rostered courses and Sandbox Courses.

#2: ENROLL via Manual Enrollment

This is an optional, additional method to supplement the direct join/self-enrollment URL.

Course Teachers can manually add users into the desired role (student, teacher, etc). Once manually added, the new user will receive an email notification and a banner notification on their Canvas Course Dashboard.

Staff instructions:

Need additional support? Contact your Instructional Technologist!