Oral Audio Accommodations
Option 1: Immersive Reader
Canvas Guides: How Do I Use Immersive Reader in a Canvas Course?
The Immersive Reader is available when viewing PAGES in Canvas and provides a variety of tools and options to enhances one's reading experience by improving accessibility and boosting reading comprehension.
Option 2: Chromebook Built In: Select-to-Speak
Select-to-Speak is a built-in accessibility feature included on Chromebooks. This empowers students to support their accommodation of needing oral admin accommodations and allows them to use this functionality as needed without being dependent on a pre-made voice recording.
View this video which showcases how students enable Select-to-Speak and how it can be used on a Canvas Quiz.
Option 3: Embedded Voice Recordings with Mote
NISD students and staff have premium access to Mote which allows users to record and embed their own audio. This is a great option for including teacher voice:
on a Canvas Page to supplement instructions
in Canvas quizzes if a teacher wants to record their own voice for each question
in Canvas Speedgrader to add spoken feedback as opposed to text feedback
across the Google ecosystem including within Docs, Slides, Sheets, Sites, etc.
Teachers, install the Mote extension here; bonus, students Chromebooks have this app automatically pushed to their device!